Academic Shoot

In the first photo, it focuses the percussionist playing on a marimba. The mallets are in a set position, and are about to play. The rule I followed for this  picture was "Lines." The lines from the bars create a feel of closeness. In this picture it is very clear what the picture is about.

In the second  picture I follow the rule of balance. There are maps hanging on the board in a more or less symmetrical way. The way the flash has brightened one corner of the picture shows that the focus is more towards the center of the picture. The subject is the map in the center of the picture.

In the third picture, I can see where the focus may be blurred. There are some faces showing, and there are some backpacks clouding the vision. My rule was intended to be the rule of thirds. The aisle of the desks and people created the thirds. With the back packs, it makes the viewer focus on the faces and not the clear lines.


  1. Very good photos overall! However on the second and third pictures, I find the focus on the main subject to be taken away by some other objects that may not be apart of main photo. Still, very good work!

  2. i like your photos they are very cool. i think the second pictures angle could be different but it still looks cool, great job!


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