Camera SIM Practice

Camera SIM Practice

1/15 sec   F4.5 - very blurry
1/30 sec   F4.5 - the subject is clearer
1/60 sec   F4.5  - the subject is focused on, windmill is still blurry.
1/125 sec   F4.5  - windmill is not as blurry
1/250 sec   F4.5  -  windmill is better
1/500 sec   F4.5 - windmill is almost perfectly still
1/1000 sec   F4.5 - windmill is still and the subject is clearer

1/15 sec   F5.6 - extremely blurry
1/30 sec   F5.6 - you can see the subject
1/60 sec   F5.6 - subject is clear
1/125 sec   F5.6 - subject is lit properly
1/250 sec   F5.6 - subject was still and windmill was still blurry
1/500 sec   F5.6 - windmill is almost still
1/1000 sec   F5.6 - lit properly, subject and windmill are still

1/15 sec   F8.0 - very very blurry
1/30 sec   F8.0 - clearer
1/60 sec   F8.0 - brighter, you can see more off the back ground
1/125 sec   F8.0 - wind mill is still blurry
1/250 sec   F8.0 - darker on one side
1/500 sec   F8.0 - windmill is almost still
1/1000 sec   F8.0 - a bit dark, but thats because i cant adjust the brightness anymore

1/15 sec   F13 - blurry still
1/30 sec   F13 - back ground is very visible
1/60 sec   F13 - losing focus on subject
1/125 sec   F13 - windmill is still blurry.
1/250 sec   F13 - windmill is less blurry
1/500 sec   F13 - dark but thats because i can't adjust the brightness anymore
1/1000 sec   F13 - very dark, lost focus on subject and windmill


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